Title: Finnish Court Convicts Three in Major Money Laundering and Fraud Case with Irish Links
Date: July 18, 2019
An international money laundering and online fraud investigation, involving an organized crime group (OCG) in several European countries, resulted in three convictions in Finland with sentences ranging from one to three years. This joint operation between Irish and Finnish national authorities, supported by Eurojust, is an example of successful cross-border cooperation.
Criminal Activities
The OCG orchestrated an elaborate scam offering fake goods and services, such as:
- Luxury cars
- Tractors
- Jewelry
- Watches
- Accommodation
Victims were tricked into paying for these items or services, believing they were purchasing genuine ones. The criminals laundered the proceeds, exceeding €3 million, by opening bank accounts in Finland and Ireland using forged documentation. Transactions were made and funds were transferred across Europe.
Arrests and Evidence
- Garda Síochána (Irish National Police Service) and Finnish Border Guard and Police carried out numerous searches resulting in multiple arrests.
- Extensive evidence was gathered, including:
- Forged documentation
- Equipment for document forgery
- Laptops
- Seized cash
Europol Assistance
Europol provided assistance in the data cross-checking and victim identification process.
Charges and Convictions
Suspected OCG members faced charges of:
- Criminal organization involvement
- Fraud
- Money laundering
- Forgery of documents
- Registration offenses
The Finnish convictions mark a significant milestone in the ongoing investigations. Continued efforts focus on bringing the remaining suspects to justice.
This investigation highlights the importance of international cooperation and the growing sophistication of criminal networks.