Financial Crime World

Iraq’s Financial Crime Investigations: A Call for Integration and Training


Iraq’s efforts to combat financial crimes have been hindered by a lack of training and expertise among investigative judges, investigators, and police. According to a recent assessment, these officials do not possess the necessary knowledge to effectively investigate complex organized and financial crimes.

The Need for Comprehensive Approach

The assessment highlighted the need for a comprehensive approach to combating financial crimes, including specialized training for all investigative judges, investigators, and police who handle these types of cases. The training program should be developed in coordination with the respective investigation agency’s training institute to ensure sustainability.

Importance of Training

  • Providing training on how to effectively organize, staff, and manage task force investigations
  • Developing skills such as document analysis and financial profiling

Current Situation

Currently, there are approximately 400 investigative judges in Iraq supported by one to two judicial investigators each. However, many of these judges are unfamiliar with the latest techniques and methodologies for investigating financial crimes.

Plan to Develop Handbook/Guidelines

The government has announced plans to develop a handbook/guidelines for conducting financial investigations. The handbook will detail investigative procedures from case initiation to preparation of a criminal report, and will be prepared in accordance with the Iraqi Penal Code and Criminal Procedure Code.

Training Program

The training program will focus on reinforcing institutional cooperation and exchange of information between investigative judges and investigators, as well as supporting government institutions that may possess important information for investigations.

Phase One: Four-Day Seminars

  • The first phase of the training program is expected to begin soon
  • Each seminar will have 25-30 participants, divided into task forces consisting of:
    • Investigative judges
    • CoI investigators
    • Police investigators
    • Representatives from supporting institutions
  • During each seminar, a case involving organized crime activities, corruption, money laundering, and illicit accumulation of wealth will be investigated

Goal and International Support

The ultimate goal is to develop a team of trained experts who can effectively investigate and prosecute financial crimes in Iraq. With the support of international partners, the government is committed to building capacity and improving the effectiveness of its financial crime investigations.