Financial Crime World

Tunisia’s Organised Crime Index 2023: Key Points


Governance and Rule of Law

Tunisia has faced significant challenges in maintaining good governance and upholding the rule of law. Some key issues include:

  • Executive Powers: The president has assumed new powers, weakening the judiciary and leading to judges being fired without due process.
  • Military Courts: Civilians can be tried in military courts, bypassing regular judicial procedures.
  • Human Rights Concerns: Human rights organizations have called for respect of the law and guarantees for accused individuals.

Tunisian Police Force

The police force has been criticized for its handling of protests and arrests. Some concerns include:

  • Physical and Moral Violations: Reports of physical and moral violations during arrests and interrogations.
  • Police Violence: Growing condemnation of police violence against protesters and detainees.

Organised Crime

While Tunisia has generally controlled its territory, there are still issues with corruption and smuggling:

  • Border Security Corruption: Corruption among border security officials remains a concern.
  • Smuggling Tolerated: Smuggling continues to be tolerated in some areas.

Economic and Financial Environment

Tunisia’s economic and financial environment is facing significant challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic and political strife. Some key issues include:

  • Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing: Progress made in combating money laundering and terrorism financing after being blacklisted in 2017.
  • Selective Prosecution: Selective investigative and prosecutorial efforts, often ignoring wealthy and powerful actors unless there is political intervention.

Civil Society and Social Protection

Efforts to support victims of human trafficking have been hindered by various challenges:

  • Support for Victims: Efforts to support victims of human trafficking, but shortcomings in the approach.
  • Limited Access to Services: Limited access to services for trafficking victims and punishment for unlawful acts committed under duress.
  • Hostility towards Civil Society Organizations: Hostility towards civil society organizations involved in victim and witness support activities.

Press Freedom

Press freedom has deteriorated significantly since 2019 elections:

  • Attack on Journalists: Politicians openly attacking journalists.
  • Pressure and Intimidation: Pressure and intimidation from government officials against journalists.
  • Virtual Boycott: Virtual boycott by the president and prime minister of local media outlets.