Uganda’s Vulnerability to Trade-Based Money Laundering: A Joint Study by ACODE and Global Financial Integrity
- International advocacy groups: Advocates Coalition for Development and Development (ACODE) and Global Financial Integrity (GFI)
July 19, 2023
The joint publication by ACODE and GFI highlights Uganda’s vulnerability to Trade-Based Money Laundering (TBML) and its consequences for the economy and development.
Overview of TBML
- TBML: disguises the proceeds of crime through legitimate trade transactions
- Threatens global economies with its complexity and evasiveness
- Sectors susceptible in Uganda: import and export industries, extractive industry, and agriculture
Sectors Vulnerable to TBML
1. Import and Export Industries
- Criminals exploit inherent complexities
- Vast networks for illicit financial activities
2. Extractive Industry
- Lack of transparency
- Limited regulatory oversight
3. Agriculture
- Complex supply chains
- Weak regulatory framework
Ugandan Government’s Efforts
- Addressing TBML through policies, legislation, and institutional frameworks
- Continued collaboration important among stakeholders
Challenges and Recommendations
- Corruption
- Lack of coordination among stakeholders
- Limited understanding of TBML and money laundering techniques
- Relaxed oversight in Free Trade Zones
- Raising awareness and providing training
- Implementing beneficial ownership laws and enforcing sanctions systems
- Data sharing and coordination among stakeholders
- Increasing support and funding to frontline agencies
Impact of Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs)
- Over UGX.2 trillion per year in Uganda
- Deprives development budgets of vital resources
- Consequence of corruption and impunity
- Valuable guide for combating TBML in Uganda
- Encouraging collaborative actions among policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders
- Jane Namubiru (ACODE): /
- Dennis Kabia (GFI):
- Independent public policy research and advocacy think tank
- Based in Uganda
- Ranked among top Ugandan and global think tanks
About Global Financial Integrity (GFI)
- Washington, D.C.-based research and advocacy organization
- Focused on illicit financial flows, corruption, illicit trade, and money laundering
- For more information, visit