Financial Crime World

Financial Crimes on the Rise in USVI: Understanding the Signs of Elder Abuse

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a surge in elder abuse cases in the US Virgin Islands, with many seniors and older adults falling victim to financial exploitation. According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, at least one in 10 community-dwelling older adults experienced some form of abuse in the prior year.

Elder Abuse: A Growing Concern

Elder abuse can take many forms, including physical, emotional, psychological, financial, sexual, and neglect. Financial abuse is a common tactic used by perpetrators, who often exploit their victims’ trust and vulnerability to gain access to their finances.

Warning Signs of Elder Abuse

Abused elders may exhibit certain behaviors that indicate they are being taken advantage of financially. Look out for changes such as:

  • Sudden depression or withdrawal from friends and family: A change in behavior, such as becoming withdrawn or depressed, can be a sign of elder abuse.
  • Anxiety and anger: Increased anxiety or anger may be indicative of financial exploitation.
  • Fear to speak to others and secretive behavior: If an older adult becomes increasingly secretive or fearful of speaking to friends, family, or professionals, it could be a sign of abuse.
  • Confusion: Sudden confusion or disorientation can be a result of financial manipulation.
  • A sudden change in spending habits: Unusual or unexplained changes in spending patterns may indicate elder abuse.
  • Sudden transferring of assets or changes to a will or testament or financial documents: Changes to a will, power of attorney, or other financial documents without the older adult’s knowledge or consent can be a sign of exploitation.
  • Unpaid bills, especially when on-time payments were the norm: Unusual delays in paying bills or unexplained expenses may indicate elder abuse.
  • Loss of money or possessions that were valuable: Missing valuables or large sums of money without explanation can be a sign of financial exploitation.

Reporting Elder Abuse

If you witness or suspect abuse of an older person, report it. The USVI Department of Human Services’ Adult Protective Services (APS) office is available to take confidential calls and referrals at 340-774-0930 ext. 4239 or 340-642-8820.

Protecting Our Most Vulnerable Citizens

AARP in the Virgin Islands has worked tirelessly to protect older adults from abuse and exploitation, advocating for legislation such as Act No. 8318, which amended the Elder Dependent Adult Abuse Prevention Act. However, more protections are needed, including harsher penalties for those who commit financial crimes against seniors.

Get Involved

As World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is observed on June 15, AARP-VI urges others to join in the fight to protect our most vulnerable citizens. Visit or to learn more about how you can get involved and help prevent elder abuse in the USVI.