Financial Crime World

Organized Crime in Uzbekistan: A Complex Issue Requiring Further Attention

The Current Situation

Organized crime poses a significant problem in Uzbekistan, with corruption and lack of institutional capacity hindering efforts to combat it. While the country has ratified most relevant international treaties related to organized crime, its implementation is insufficient.

Key Challenges:

  • Corruption and lack of independence within the judicial system
  • Inadequate protection for victims and failure to bring perpetrators to justice
  • Prisons notorious for physical abuse and torture
  • Rampant corruption in law enforcement

Economic and Financial Environment

Uzbekistan has anti-money laundering measures in place, but the risk of money laundering and terrorist financing remains high. While the capacity of the government to ensure legitimate businesses operate free from influence is improving, red tape and lack of property rights hinder progress.

Key Challenges:

  • High risk of money laundering and terrorist financing
  • Limited capacity to ensure legitimate businesses operate freely
  • Red tape and lack of property rights hinder progress

Civil Society and Social Protection

Non-state actors are more active than the state in treating and caring for victims of organized crime. However, there have been ongoing delays with registering NGOs, which has constrained efforts by civil society to monitor and assist victims. The government requires victims to file a criminal complaint to be eligible for rehabilitation and protection services.

Key Challenges:

  • Delays in registering NGOs constrain civil society’s efforts
  • Government requires victims to file a criminal complaint to access services

Prevention Efforts

The Uzbekistan government has maintained prevention efforts against systemic child labor and forced labor in the cotton harvest industry, resulting in a notable decrease in these crimes. However, there remains an overreliance on assistance from NGOs and other international groups due to lack of communication and coordination between the commission and civil society.

Key Efforts:

  • Prevention efforts against child labor and forced labor have decreased crime rates
  • Overreliance on NGO assistance due to lack of communication and coordination