Financial Crime World

Corruption Crackdown: Measures in Place to Combat Illicit Activities

Vanuatu’s Efforts to Address Corruption

The government of Vanuatu has taken various measures to address the significant challenge posed by corruption in the country. These efforts aim to prevent and combat corruption, protect whistleblowers, and ensure accountability.

Strengthening Investigations and Prosecutions

One key measure is the court’s ability to make orders for the payment of costs, damages or compensation, or for the restitution of property, even if the offender is not sentenced on conviction. Additionally, the government has established specialized authorities and inter-agency coordination mechanisms to tackle corruption offenses.

Investigating Alleged Breaches

The Ombudsman’s Office, responsible for investigating alleged breaches of law or administrative practices, has conducted 871 investigations since its establishment. The Office of the Public Prosecutor employs seven prosecutors who receive reports from various agencies, including:

  • Vanuatu Police Force (VPF)
  • Vanuatu Financial Intelligence Unit (VFIU)

Combating Corruption

The VPF has several units dedicated to combating corruption, while the VFIU was established in 2004 to investigate and prevent financial crimes. The unit collaborates with other law enforcement agencies and has four staff members.

Areas for Improvement

Experts have highlighted several areas that require attention:

  • Strengthening existing anti-corruption laws by ensuring the definition of public officer covers all individuals who perform public functions.
  • Criminalizing active bribery of foreign public officials and considering criminalizing passive bribery.
  • Amending legislation to allow for the clear and explicit criminalization of trading in influence.
  • Prioritizing the investigation and prosecution of corruption offenses.


The government has been urged to:

  • Establish more effective fines and sanctions, including for legal persons.
  • Take measures to protect witnesses and experts from retaliation or intimidation, as well as reporting persons who report acts of corruption in good faith.
  • Introduce provisions to address the consequences of corruption and provide compensation for damages resulting from such acts.
  • Review the statute of limitations to ensure it is long enough to cover all corruption offenses.

Improving Inter-Agency Coordination

Improving inter-agency coordination and collaboration can help strengthen the fight against corruption. Capacity-building programs can also help address constraints and backlogs in the investigation, prosecution, and adjudication of cases.

Seeking Technical Assistance

The government has acknowledged the need for technical assistance to improve its implementation of the Convention Against Corruption. This includes:

  • Summaries of good practices
  • Legal advice
  • Model legislation
  • Legislative drafting

By implementing these measures, Vanuatu can further combat corruption and ensure a more transparent and accountable government.